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XRPhoenix (xrphoenix)

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xrphoenix logo

Our story of rebirth has many chapters, and the beginning is near! XRPhoenix will be bursting forth with 800 hand-drawn, story-driven NFTs full of colorful characters. Through the lenses of 10 modern and historic Series, witness Rebirth, Ascendancy, Apex, Resilence, and Reclamation – 5 iconic Chapter poses which embody the XRP holder’s journey. Each chapter of 10 Sereies will feature 16 unique characters: 1 Ultra-Rare, 2 Rares, 3 Uncommons, 10 Commons. That’s 160 unique characters for you to follow and collect. Don’t worry though, if continuity’s not your thing, we got you covered. After the XRPhoenix has properly introduced himself, we’ll be randomly generating 522 NFTs in the clasic single-pose style from a collection of thousands of unique (still hand drawn) elements. With only 1322 XRPhoenix tokens (1 token = 1 NFT) makes it a very exclusive club, as we will also be rewarding token holders with a small percentage of our royalties’ sales, to add token rewards/utilities.  We are excited for the Rebirth and w hope you will join us!

The project does not require token purchase to be eligible for airdrop.

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  1. Awesome stuff. I learnt about your project from Bloom NFTv. Sharing the link for others to get to know about the project. Really exciting. All the best for your project.

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  2. Awesome stuff. I learnt about your project from Bloom NFTv. Sharing the link for others to get to know about the project. Really exciting. All the best for your project.

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  3. This project has a very bright future, because I really think this project is too perfect to be true. 😄😄😊😊

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  4. XRPhoenix – wishing you all of the best with your project! I am excited and cant wait for more to come…

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